Thursday, February 10, 2011

Glosteredu:a collaborative online learning platform for teachers and students

GlogsterEdu is a “ web2.0 platform that easily allows users to upload photos, videos, text, audio and more to create a unique online , interactive poster ”. A glog is basically an online poster web page. Students can use it to create their own glogs and can even embed them into their wikis, blogs or classroom websites.


Some features of GlogsterEdu

Here is a quick overview of the main features of GlogsterEdu :

  • It has a simple and easy to use interface
  • It provides a safe student environment for any age
  • It allows its users to publish and share their creations and to collaborate with other users
  • It makes learning more fun and keeps students engaged
  • Registration is fast and simple
  • Teachers can register up to 50 student accounts during the initial registration or add students to their existing accounts ( maximum 50 students and 200 for pro members )





How can I get started using GlogsterEdu ?

First go to GlogsterEdu main page  and click on register at the top right corner of the page

Please note here that even if you already have a regular Glogster account , you must still register for GlogsterEdu account , you will have to use a different email address when you register for this new account.

To add a student’s account click on “ Add New Students ” at the right hand side.




Remember you have up to 50 accounts to add , once you add them you can then change their passwords.



To start glogging click on “ Create New Glog “ 




A generic glogtster page will appear , use the black box tool to create a glog


Using this tool box , you will be able to add :

                      1- Graphics

Pick up graphic to use for decoration PICTURE7 :


                       2- Text

Choose the type of text you want to use




                     3- Images

Include an image into your glog


                     4- Video

Include a video into your page .


                    5- Audio

Include a piece of audio into your glog


                    6- Data

Enables you to save files into your glog in the form of an attachment


                    7- Draw

Try drawing something in your page


                  8- Wall

Change the theme of your wall here


When you finish creating your glogster , click on save and publish. Choose to save your project as a classic glog.

Now think of a name of your glog and select privacy setting .

Watch this video tutorial to learn more


Detailed Tutorial on Gloglsteredu

If you have other questions about GlogsteEdu then read their FAQ page


Applications of GlogsterEdu in education

GlogsterEdu is a very important web2.0 tool that every educator should be using. Here are some general ideas of how we can integrate this application into education :

  • Students can use it to display knowledge
  • Students create online posters to display information on History, Math, Language arts , book reports, Science, etc
  • Students can create podcasts and upload their contents into their glogs
  • Students can share their projects and achievements online with classmates , family , and friends

If you have other ideas of how we can use GlogsterEdu in classroom , please share with us below .

Tha’s it about GlosterEdu :a collaborative online learning platform for teachers and students.

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