Friday, March 11, 2011

Discovery Box :The best organizational tool in Education

Discovery Box is a web2.0 tool to collect items in a virtual box . It allows you to build up an argument or description of an event, person or historical period by placing items in a virtual box. You can display anything from a text file to a movie. You can also view the discovery boxes submitted by other people and comment on the contents” as defined by its creators .

Discovery Box allows pupils to gather together digital resources - images, video clips, audio clips, Word documents, text files, spreadsheets, web links etc - and present them in a unique way.

How can i get started using Discovery Box ?

Log on to Discovery Box main page and register .
Once you are registered click on “Start”


You will be directed to this page ,

you click on “change box” at the bottom to customize the look of your box and give it a particularly customized feel . Each box has from one to 3 layers and can have anything from 1 to 8 cubes . You can also change the color schemes and textures .
Once the box is open you can start  adding assets . A number of assets can be selected and added to the drawer from any of the tabs below such as :
  • images
  • text
  • video
  • sound
  • files
  • links
Returning to your virtual box , you can now open the drawer , select the cubes you would like to add the assets to and drag a specific asset onto the faces of the cubes .
Give them a title and description and preview your box before saving it .
Discovery Box has a special section for teacher
  i really highly recommend you to visit it . Log on to Discovery Box for Teachers
To learn more about how to use this web2.0 tool watch this tutorial video

Applications of Discovery Box in education

Discovery Box is such a nice learning tool that every student and teacher should be using . Encourage your students to use Discovery Box to :
  • build their arguments and online discussions
  • practice their writing skills by describing a historical event or person
  • enrich their classroom projects with multimedia items
  • enhance their creativity
  • give them a sense of responsibility towards what they are building
You can think of other ways Discovery Box can be used in education . Remember share with us your thoughts below .
That’s it about Discovery Box :The best organizational tool in Education
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