How can I get started using Teachers Helpers ?
Head over to Teacher Helpers main page and scroll down to the chart that contains all the links to pdfs ,and slideshows .Please when you go to the site and you want to use any of the slide shows there make sure you mention credit by attaching the name of its owner . We are lucky that Kathy has been generous with us not to put them for sale and that we can use them for free . This is what the owner said about them
Following are links to PDF, Flash, and/or HTML versions of slide shows I have developed for various workshops and conferences. Feel free to use them for training purposes, but please keep my name on them
When presenting these to large groups, change your screen resolution to 640x480 for the shows with the little slides.
Choosing a presentation will open a new, resizeable, browser window. Close the pop-up window before choosing another presentation to view.
Here is a snapshot of the teacher helpers
I hope you liked the website that you can use it to consolidate the tech knowledge you need to be an effective 21st century teacher .
That’s it about Discovery Education ; Teacher Helpers .
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