Some features of Gliffy
Here are the services that Gliffy provides for its users :- It is partly free
- It has all the authoring tools you can ever imagine
- It alows multiple collaboration when working on a diafram
- you can easily create professional-quality flowcharts, diagrams, floor plans, technical drawings
- It has an easy editor bar to help you create good looking drwings
- you can share your final work with your friend or colleagues
- you can also embed your diagram into your wiki or blog using an embed code
How can i get started using Giffy ?
Head over to Giffy main page and sign up for a 30 day free trialOnce you signed in then here is how you can start creating your diagrams : watch the video tutorial
Applications of Gliffy in education
I know since Gliffy is not all free then most of us will not be using it a lot .But if you have ever decided to use it then you can really create such fantastic diagrams to use with your students in the classroom .What i like the most about Gliffy is that when you embed a diagram into your blog or wiki and then later on decided to make some changes on that diagram then these changes are automatically displayed on your blog or wiki so there is no need to embed it again . i hope you like Gliffy and that you would consider giving it a try .That’s all about Gliffy : A Great Diagram Software for Educators :
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