Some features of Snagfilms
Here are the most important features that SnagFilms offers to its users :- It is completely free
- It has a growing library of thousands of films and full-length documentary films meticulously selected by experts in this industry
- It allows you to ‘ snag ‘a film and put it anywhere in the web using free widgets
- It offers a free application for mobile devices such as iPad ,VOD and iTunes
- It does not require any software installation or downloading application
- I think those features are enough to convince you to visit SnagFilms and give it a try .
Applications of Snagfilms in education
Snagfilms is a great resource for educative documentaries . Teachers can select the relevants documentaries and share them with studetns . You can for example gather all your classes in one large room equipped with a data show and a pc and then play the documentary for them . Of course you can provide them with sheets about questions relating to the the content of the documentary and then generate a group discussion at the end of the show .That’s it about Snagfilms : Free Documentaries for Educators .
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