Timeline is a free
graphic organizer created by
Read Write Think. It allows students to organize their notes into engaging timelines that features five different units of measure namely: date, time,event,entry or other. Students ,upon selecting the appropriate entry, can add specific descriptions and place it on the timeline. To navigate through the timeline they simply need to click on the relevant entry they want and then there they go. It is really a great tool for teachers to use with their students
How can i get started using Timeline ?
Head over to
Timeline main pageEnter the title and author name
choose the unit of measure : date, time, event, entry, other
click on next and provide the info requested and when you are done you can then print it out
Applications of Timeline in Education
Both teachers and students can use
Timeline to organize their notes into a sequence of time that they can navigate at the instant of a click. They can also use it to brainstorm the main stages of a process especially in biology and chemistry. For language teachers Timeline can be useful in organizing the English tenses into an axe of time easily understandable by students.
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