Friday, July 29, 2011

A List of Some of The Best Twitter Tools and Apps

Twitter has proved to be one of the best online  socialising tool. Millions are using it everyday. some use it to make friends, follow intersting topics, and others use it to  create learning communities and even promote thier websites. I know you know all of this and i also know that many of you have already registered there and some of you are even active participants there. The questions is : do you know that there are practically useful tools and apps designed solely for Twitter. With these apps and tools you can be able to do many more things easily and instantly way better than you have ever thought.

As educators, we do need to be aware of such tools and this is exactly why i am introducing you today to a collection of the best Twitter tools that you can use in your classroom or for personal purposes as well. Don't forget you can follow me and stay updated about my latest tweets at @medkh9.
Tweetcaster: a great twitter app for your mobile
Twinslator : Free tool to translate your tweets
Twiducate : Social Networking in Education
Twitter Search : You eye on the net : an outstanding tool for educators
A great functionality to improve  Twitter in Education

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