Monday, September 5, 2011

Reasons why Educators Need to Use Google Chrome

Today i will talk about Chrome , the web browser educators need to use. I will give you reasons why  you need to switch to it and hopefully can convince you to try it. First off let me clear something, as I always say when I am about to talk about any google product , I do not get paid for writing about Google services and the only income I get is through the ads I have here in my blog. The only motive that drives me to write an article such as this is the urgent need for us educators to try to help each others better integrate technology in education and in the best way possible. Whenever I do a research about a certain digital phenomenon I always make sure to share its fruits with you here or in the other learning communities I am part of.

The following are a set of features i have meticulously collected about Chrome services .

It is a product of google and google alone is enough to speak volumes of its services
It offers an integrated functionality called Omnibox which means merging the address bar with search bar
It has sophisticated speed enhancement system such as V8 Javascript engine making websites load 38 percent faster than other web browsers
It has a special feature called multi process architecture. When an intruder succeeds in infiltrating into an application, the access of the intruder will be blocked for other applications
It employs high security system that sandboxes web pages preventing drive by downloads and installations.
It also continuously makes contact with google to update a list of known malware sites in order to warn the user
The security system also involves the usage of blacklists which keeps the navigation on the internet free from malware attacks or other harmful things
Users are notified about possible dangerous websites
It has a private navigation mode which prevents the saving of visited websites or cookies in order to maintain the safety of the browsing
It uses browser  tabs that get their own box making each tab a browser window
It does not display No about; blank pages. Chrome defaults to a page featuring the four most used search engines and the user nine most visited web pages.
It features thmbernails of your top sites to easily and instantly access your favorite web pages.
Chrome also allows its users to import bookmarks and favorites from other browser types.

These are just some of the most important features that characterizes Chrome and honestly speaking , the only feature that makes me use Chrome and not think about changing it for the time being is its page load speed. I find it faster than all other browsers. If you think these features are what your browser is lacking then try Google Chrome even for just a week and i am sure you will see the difference. Best of luck.

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