Saturday, January 14, 2012

YouTube Instant Search Videos in Real Time ( New Service )

Google  Instant search technology  has been now extended to other products other than Google Search. There is now a service called YouTube Instant which is a great site that allows its users to search across the vast YouTube video database in real-time. YouTube Instant was created by Feross Aboukhadijeh, a computer science student from Standford. One day after its release, YouTube Instant attracted millions of visitors and a huge media coverage from the tech press and the blogosphere .

I have been invistigating its features and found it extremely user friendly. It is totally differnt from YouTube. The homepage is pretty simple and it has nothing but a search box where you can type your query.. When you type in a search term , YouTube Instant pulls in the most popular YouTube video for that word and starts playing it immediately. It also shows the next 5 videos just below the one which is playing.
Head over to YouTube Instant and give it a shot.

There is also Instant Search for Images website and Instant Maps, both of which impliment the instant search technology.

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