Friday, February 10, 2012

Social Media in Education Stats ( infographic )

Social media websites such as Twitter and Facebook are gaining a solid foothold in the educational circles. More and more students and teachers are using  them be it for personal or professional learning purposes. One single querry in a search engine using the key words" the importance of social media in education" will generate several pages with links to blogs and websites talking about the socialisation of learning and teaching.

social media

Be it you are for or against it. Students are using social media in their everyday life more it used to be just two years ago. It is also pretty obvious that this use is increasing with the new innovations in the field of mobile technology. It seems like the whole world is going mobile now and as you know most if not all the smart devices in the market now support WiFi and internet connection allowing users to access their social media profiles and get instant updates wherever they are.
The infographic below provides some interesting data about the use of social media in education in general. It is created by .

Reading professors like an open facebook, or how teachers use social media
Courtesy of:

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