Thursday, February 2, 2012

Video Resources for Teachers.

I know all of you use video materials in their lessons but the question is are you really equipped with the right video resources to fetch your videos from ? Searching for a video on a search engine might take you into an ocean of results and junk websites. That is why educators need to always keep a list of 'trustworthy' video platforms that they can use to find educational videos to use with their students in the classroom. I have been covering quite many here such as TedTalk, Youtube for Schools, Youtube Teachers, Youtube Education, Explania,....ect.

video resources

Explania is one of my favourite platform when looking for tutorials and step by step guides. If you are a teacher then you must check out that website you will definately find materials to help you in your teaching. As a matter of example, I found out a video about Tsunami. Even though the clip is very short yet it offers a wealth of easily understandable information about how Tsunamis are created and the effects and damages they befall upon a place they hit. Check out this video to learn more.

Tsunami Infographic from Shal on Vimeo.

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