Some features of Creaza
Here is a list of what Creaza offers to its users :It is partly free and the free version allows for 25MB storage capacity which is enough for short projects
It requires a sign up
It allows you to tell your stories using Cartoonic characters with speech bubbles
It lets you create and edit sound and audio clips
It allows you to create engaging mind maps with links , notes and tasks attached
It does not require any software installation
It lets you create good movies with high resolution
It also combines themed artwork with user content
You can share your presentations via a generated link , for free users they can not export or download their work but just share it using a link .
How can i get started using Creaza ?
Head over to Creaza main page and register there for freeWatch this tutorial video to learn how to use it
Applications of Creaza in Education
Creaza is a good web2.0 tool for educators . They can use its free version to create interactive and engaging videos to embed in their teaching . It is also a great tool for enhancing students creativity using the storytelling option it offers . A teacher suggests or starts a story and then students use their imaginations to complete the rest of the story using cartoons and speech bubbles .Tha’s it about Creaza : Easy Multimedia Creating , Editing and Publishing Tool .
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