Some features of Wallwisher
Here are the main features that Wallwisher offers to its users :- It is completely free
- It does require a quick sign up
- It is very simple and has a user-friendly interface
- It allows you to use images,music , text , video
- You can make your wall private or public
- You can allow others to add to your notes too
- It provides a wide range of nice themes
- You can share your wall with the others
How can i get started using Wallwisher ?
First head over to Wallwisher main pagenow watch this tutorial video to learn more
Applications of Wallwisher in education
Wallwisher is great for educators . teachers can use it to organize their notes and share them with their students . Students can use it to collaborate on the same projects . It is a great tool for enhancing team work and digital wisdom we badly need for the 21st century students .That’s it about Wallwisher : A Great Digital Onl;ine Notice Board
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